TikTok Of Ominous Text Messages From Parents Goes Viral


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In a video with 3.2 million views , TikToker Allie O’Brien shares comments from people describing unintentionally ominous text messages they got from their parents. Turns out, these parents didn’t mean to worry their kids at all āˆ’ though their texts, when read out of context, surely did.

“I have a screenshot after my dad was getting surgery where my mom says, ‘They lost your father’ āˆ’ meaning she didn’t know what room he was in,” one comment reads.

“I once got a text that said, ‘Your aunt passed (blood emojis),’ but apparently she just had high enough iron levels to donate blood,” read another.

The messages have stupefied O’Brien, who ends the video asking: “What becomes of people over the age of 50 to text like this?”

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Since that initial video went viral, O’Brien has received more comments from people sharing unhinged text messages from their parents and reads them aloud in follow-up videos.

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