Nicolas Cage As Longlegs: The Movie That Will Haunt You!

Maika is a film enthusiast who has had a unique experience with a particular movie. Her reaction to Nicolas Cage’s portrayal of Longlegs in the film is a testament to its unsettling impact. At a private viewing, Maika’s heart rate spiked to 150bpm merely from observing Cage in full makeup as Longlegs. Her mic, taped to her shirt, captured her physiological response.

The film’s trailer has sparked intense reactions from viewers, with some fans expressing a sense of unease. One fan, still reeling from the experience, “exclaimed,” “Saw Longlegs this morning and now I’m just supposed to… carry on with my day?” Writer and director Osgood Perkins has drawn comparisons to Jonathan Demme’s Silence of the Lambs… stating that he sought to push the boundaries of fear even further.

The decision to withhold Cage’s appearance from the trailer was a deliberate choice to heighten tension and suspense. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly… Perkins likened the movie’s impact to “putting a warning label on a jar of nitroglycerin”. His intention was to create a cinematic experience that would be unforgettable and deeply unsettling.

Maika’s experience with the film is a shining example of its capacity to unsettle and disturb. Her emotional response to Longlegs ___ a testament to the movie’s ability to evoke powerful reactions from its viewers.


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While many have called it the scariest movie of 2024, some have even said it’s the scariest film in a decade .
Sharing some behind-the-scenes information, one fan wrote on X, ⁘The first time Maika saw Nicolas Cage in full makeup as Longlegs, her mic that was taped to her shirt picked up her heart rate which had skyrocketed to around 150bpm while just sitting still and looking at him.⁘

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