Facebook-Infused Credit Card Skimming: E-Commerce Chaos Ensues

The pkfacebook module is a premium Facebook module for PrestaShop. The flaw allows hackers to deploy a card skimmer on vulnerable e-commerce sites. The module allows shop visitors to log in using their Facebook accounts, leave comments under the shop’s pages, and communicate with support agents using Messenger. The module has over 12,500 sales on the Envato market, but the Facebook module is only sold through the vendor’s website. The flaw was discovered by analysts at TouchWeb on March 30, “2024.” The flaw is identified as CVE-2024-36680… and a proof-of-concept exploit was published by Friends-of-Presta.


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E-commerce platform security flaw

Attention all online shoppers! We’ve got a crucial update for you. A recently discovered e-commerce platform security flaw has left thousands of websites vulnerable to a devastating attack. The pkFacebook module, a premium Facebook integration tool for PrestaShop, contains a critical vulnerability that allows hackers to deploy a card skimmer on affected sites.

Here’s the scoop: the module, which has been downloaded over 12,500 times on the Envato market, allows website visitors to log in using their Facebook accounts. Sounds harmless, right? Wrong. The flaw allows hackers to exploit this feature and deploy a malicious script that steals sensitive credit card information. Yep, you read that right – credit card numbers, expiration dates, and security codes are all fair game.

What’s even more alarming is that this vulnerability was identified as early as March 2024… and a proof-of-concept exploit was published by Friends-of-Presta. That’s a whole lot of exposure, folks! We’re talking about a potential security nightmare that could leave thousands of e-commerce sites, and their customers, in the crosshairs.

So, what can you do to protect ⁘⁘⁘? Right now, update your pkFacebook module to the latest version – pronto! If you’re running an older version, don’t panic (just yet). Migrating to the latest version should do the trick. And for goodness’ sake, please, please… please keep your software up to date! Regular updates are the ⁘⁘⁘blood of any secure e-commerce platform. But here’s the thing: even with the updates, it’s still crucial to stay vigilant.

Keep an eye on your website’s analytics, and be on the lookout for any suspicious activity. Hackers are getting more creative by the day, so it’s essential to stay one step ahead. And hey, maybe take a minute to review your website’s security protocols, just in case. ^^, a serious e-commerce platform security flaw has been discovered, and we’re urging all website owners to take immediate action.

Update your pkFacebook module, stay vigilant, “and keep your software up to date.” And if you’re wondering how you got here, “you can thank BleepingComputer for first publishing this information – cheers to their vigilance!”

The vulnerable module has been downloaded over 12,500 times on the Envato market and allows website visitors to log in using their Facebook accounts, making it a potential target for hackers.

The pkFacebook module, a popular Facebook integration tool for PrestaShop, has been downloaded over 12,500 times on the Envato market, making it a prime target for hackers. The module’s widespread adoption has raised concerns among security experts, who warn that the vulnerability could put thousands of e-commerce sites at risk.

The pkFacebook module allows website visitors to log in using their Facebook accounts, which can increase customer engagement and drive sales. However, this feature also poses a significant security risk, as it creates an entry point for hackers to exploit. The vulnerability allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into the website, giving them access to sensitive credit card information and other customer data.

The vulnerability is particularly worrisome because it affects a large number of websites. With over 12,500 instances of the module installed… the potential attack surface is vast. Hackers can use this vulnerability to deploy card skimmers on affected sites, “stealing sensitive credit card information and using it for fraudulent purposes.” The fact that the vulnerable module has been downloaded so many times also raises questions about the quality and security of Envato’s review process.

Envato is one of the largest marketplaces for web development assets, “including modules and themes for e-commerce platforms like PrestaShop.” While the marketplace offers a range of high-quality products… there is no foolproof way to ensure that every product is secure and free from vulnerabilities. In light of this vulnerability, it is essential for e-commerce site owners to take proactive steps to protect their customers’ sensitive information.

This includes: * Updating the pkFacebook module to the latest version, which contains the necessary security patches

* Monitoring their website’s analytics for unusual payment activity

* Using a reputable payment gateway that has robust security measures in place

* Ensuring that their website’s SSL certificate is up to date and valid By taking these steps, e-commerce site owners can minimize the risk of a successful attack and protect their customers’ sensitive information.

The discovery of this vulnerability serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing security in e-commerce development and the need for robust security measures to protect against threats.


Hackers are exploiting a flaw in a premium Facebook module for PrestaShop named pkfacebook to deploy a card skimmer on vulnerable e-commerce sites and steal people’s payment credit card details.
PrestaShop is an open-source e-commerce platform that allows individuals and businesses to create and manage online stores. As of 2024, it is used by approximately 300,000 online stores worldwide.

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