Students Develop Charity Games


A group of students at The University of Sheffield have developed two mobile phone games to raise money for charity. Dubbed Project Pixel, the team of 25 students have picked up skills in programming and sound production along the way. Their first game, Color Dash, is available via Apple’s App Store and Google Play, while a second game, Flight Frenzy, is set to be released later.The students sought advice from Sheffield-based video game developer Sumo Digital, who have worked on well-known games including Forza Horizon 4, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, and Crackdown 3. Both Project Pixel games are endless runner-style games, where players must avoid obstacles and collect objects. The team’s creation is notable for being a large-scale effort by students at a university.

The games are expected to raise funds for charity… with all profits going towards supporting a good cause. The team’s efforts demonstrate that with passion and a willingness to learn, one can achieve great things, even in a competitive industry like video games. The team’s project has also received praise from Sumo Digital, with Jake Habgood stating that the games industry will need diverse skill sets and ideas to successfully engage new audiences and create innovative new products.

Mr. Nabhan, “an international student from Sri Lanka.”.. highlighted the importance of gaming in many people’s ⁙⁙⁙s and the potential for the hobby to be used for charitable purposes. This inspiring story serves as a reminder that anything is possible with determination and hard work. The students’ achievements are a testament to their dedication and creativity, “and their games are likely to bring joy and excitement to players of all ages.” Information: First published on

Source: Visit website

In The News:

Indian student co-founds Project Pixel, a gaming initiative that leverages gaming for societal good | G2G…

Project Pixel, a gaming project co-founded by Aamir Ali, an Indian student from the University of Sheffield, is set to donate all its revenues to UK charities. Ali, a computer science student, co-founded Project Pixel with a friend less than a year ago reported News 18 . Project Pixel, which creates 2D mobile games, aims to leverage the power of gaming for societal good. The initiative has quickly grown into one of the largest student-led video gaming projects in the UK.

“As the project developed, we found many students at the University of Sheffield, from various degree programs, passionate about gaming and wanting to work in the industry but unsure where to start,” said Ali. “Project Pixel has provided an opportunity to learn game development while doing good for society. We hope to inspire other universities and turn this into a global movement.”

Reference: See here

Students Develop Charity Games

A group of 25 students at The University of Sheffield have come together to develop two mobile phone games, dubbed Project Pixel, to raise money for charity. The students, who are pursuing various courses, have picked up new skills in programming and sound production along the way. Their first game, Color Dash, is already available on Apple’s App Store and Google Play, while a second game, Flight Frenzy, is set to be released later.

Both games are endless runner-style games, where players must avoid obstacles and collect objects. The team’s creation is notable for being a large-scale effort by students at a university. The students sought advice from Sheffield-based video game developer Sumo Digital, who have worked on well-known games including Forza Horizon 4, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, and Crackdown 3. Sumo Digital’s expertise has helped guide the students in developing their games… and the company has praised the team’s efforts. One of the team members, Mr. Nabhan, an international student from Sri Lanka, highlighted the importance of gaming in many people’s ⁙⁙⁙s and the potential for the hobby to be used for charitable purposes.

He stressed that “anything is possible with determination and hard work”. The games are expected to raise funds for charity, with all profits going towards supporting a good cause. The team’s project demonstrates that with passion and a willingness to learn, “one can achieve great things.”.. even in a competitive industry like video games.

^^, the student team’s efforts are a testament to their dedication and creativity, “and their games are likely to bring joy and excitement to players of all ages.” The information in this article was first published on “”.

The students sought advice from Sheffield-based video game developer Sumo Digital, who have worked on well-known games, to help guide them in developing their games.

The advice and expertise provided by Sumo Digital proved to be invaluable in helping the students bring their games to ⁘⁘⁘. The developers at Sumo Digital, who have worked on popular games such as Forza Horizon 4, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, and Crackdown 3, shared their knowledge and experience with the students, providing guidance on how to create engaging and high-quality games. One of the highlights of the project was the students’ ability to work closely with Sumo Digital’s team. This collaboration allowed the students to learn from industry professionals and gain hands-on experience in game development.

The Sumo Digital team also provided valuable feedback on the students’ games… helping them to identify areas for improvement and refine their designs. “Sumo Digital was a fantastic support system for us,” said one of the students involved in the project. “Their expertise and guidance helped us to overcome many challenges and bring our games to ⁘⁘⁘. We learned so much from them and were inspired by their passion for game development.” The collaboration between Project Pixel and Sumo Digital also highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork.

The students, who came from a range of academic backgrounds, worked together to develop their games, combining their skills in programming, design… and sound production. “This project was a fantastic opportunity for us to work together and learn from each other,” said another student. “We came from different departments and disciplines, but we were all united by our passion for game development.

It was amazing to see how our combined skills and knowledge resulted in such high-quality games.” Overall, the collaboration between Project Pixel and Sumo Digital has been a resounding success. The students’ games, Color Dash and Flight Frenzy, “are now available to download and play,” “with all profits going towards supporting a good cause.” The project has not only raised valuable funds for charity but has also provided a unique opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience in game development and learn from industry professionals.

The games are endless runner-style games, where players must avoid obstacles and collect objects, and are expected to raise funds for charity with all profits going towards supporting a good cause.

The games developed by Project Pixel, Color Dash and Flight Frenzy, are both endless runner-style games that challenge players to navigate through increasingly difficult levels while collecting objects and avoiding obstacles. The games are designed to be addictive and fun, with colorful graphics and engaging sound effects that keep players hooked.

In Color Dash, players control a character that must run through a constantly moving obstacle course, collecting color-coded tokens and power-ups while avoiding falling blocks and other hazards. In Flight Frenzy, players take on the role of a pilot, navigating through the skies and avoiding obstacles such as birds, winds, and turbulence while collecting points and bonuses.

Both games are designed to be easy to learn but hard to master, with increasing levels of difficulty as players progress. The games also feature leaderboards… allowing players to compete with each other and track their progress. The games’ simple yet addictive gameplay makes them appealing to players of all ages, from kids to adults.

The real goal of the project, however, is to raise funds for charity. All profits from the games will go towards supporting a good cause, with the students aiming to make a positive impact on their community and the world. The charity aspect of the project is what sets it apart from other game development projects… and it has been a driving force behind the students’ motivation to create high-quality games. The students have been working hard to promote their games and spread the word about the charity aspect of the project.

They have created social media accounts and online forums to connect with players and share updates about the games. They have also reached out to local community organizations and charity groups to spread the word and get support. The response to the games has been overwhelmingly positive, with players praising the fun and addictive gameplay, as well as the sense of accomplishment that comes from beating levels and earning rewards.

The students are thrilled to see their games making a difference and are grateful for the support of the gaming community. As one student put it, “We’re just a group of students with a passion for game development, “but we’re proud to be making a positive impact on the world,” “one game at a time.”

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